This is and should be the crux of the anti-Trump resistance movement. Ultimately, Donald Trump and his constant unhinged, autocratic activities put us all at risk. While we can continue to work on dousing each individual dumpster fire he ignites, at the end of the day, in order to put this country back together, he needs to be removed from office. Currently, the most viable option is probably the Congressional Impeachment process. Certainly, there exist several grounds on which his could be tried for "high crimes and misdemeanors."
The drawbacks to this course of action are, of course, the length of time that it takes to complete this process, and the risk that even if impeached, he will not be convicted in the Senate (composed, as it is, as majority-Republican). Furthermore, it does not remove the political apparatus he will have been able to install in the interim. At this point, though, it is the course of action most likely to succeed. And it has the added benefit of being legal and within the structure of our established government.
Courtesy of CVHS Teacher, here is a basic outline of the Impeachment process:
Process of Impeachment—7 Steps
I. Impeachment
A. Being formally accused of unlawful activity, committing a crime
B. Not necessarily being kicked out of office
II. Who can be Impeached? Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution
A. “President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States”
B. Civil Officers include people appointed by the President (cabinet
members and judges)
C. Members of Congress are NOT civil officers
III. Process of Impeachment
A. 7 Steps of Impeachment:
1. Justice Department or an independent council investigates charges & presents them to
the House Judiciary Committee
2. House Judiciary Committee (HJC) reviews evidence
3. HJC drafts Articles of Impeachment
4. HJC debates Articles of Impeachment (Nixon)
5. Entire House of Representatives debates Articles of Impeachment & votes on them
(Simple Majority)
a. If this happens, President is considered Impeached
6. Senate holds the Trial "Will the official be kicked out of office"
a. House Judiciary Committee acts as the prosecution-- presents evidence against
the accused
b. Accused chooses own lawyers to present defense
c. Chief Justice of Supreme Court acts as Judge and rules on admissibility of
d. Senate acts as the Jury
7. A 2/3 majority of the Senate must vote against accused to remove the person from
Right now, there are several petitions going around to impeach Trump. You can find them here, here and here. The best and most effective use of time, however, will be to contact your respective Congressional representatives. The investigations must come from the Department of Justice or an "independent council;" however, the House drafts the charges. Contacting your elected representative, who will ultimately have to draft the Articles of Impeachment, can be a good way to encourage them to use their connections in Washington to push for such an investigation. Calling and/or writing can be effective. You can also schedule an appointment through congressional offices to meet with your Congressperson in person.
Please see the "Contact Your Politicians" page for information on how to reach out to Congressional Representatives.
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